Dec 12, 2014 · My internet has started randomly disconnecting. A command prompt ping test gave me good numbers for about 3 minutes, then it randomly says "Request timed out" when I'm playing an online game for about 3-4 tries. Then the internet is fine again. This is after a router and modem reset and pc

Hey, my PC keeps randomly disconnecting from the internet. Every 10 or so minutes I have to go to the Wi-Fi settings, disconnect it and reconnect to get my internet back. This is infuriating and I've been looking for a solution for about a month to no avail. This needs to be fixed as it online PC gaming unplayable. Hello, My internet disconnects at the most random times throughout the day. These disconnects only last a few minutes, but its bothersome when this happens at random on a daily basis. I could be streaming a video and the vidoe just cuts off and I have to watch a loading screen from a few minutes w Oct 11, 2017 · The devices that are connected to 2.4ghz don't lose internet. It is so frustrating, as we work from home and it has become quite annoying. We don't know what else to try. 5ghz band disconnects My services: HD TV on VIP (+ Sky Sports & Movies & BT sport), x3 V6 boxes (1 wired 2 WiFi,) SH2 in modem mode with Airport Extreme Router. On VIVID200, Talk Anytime Phone, x2 Mobile SIM only iPhones. 0 Kudos

My ps4 is hard wired, and every so often it disconnects from the internet and says "connect a LAN cable and try again". there is nothing wrong with the ethernet cable as ive tested it on other ps4's and laptops etc and my internet is still running when this happens.

Ethernet connection on my Windows 10 desktop keeps disconnecting and reconnecting I recently bought a Nighthawk R7000 router modem and whenever I would use ethernet connection on my desktop it would disconnect for a few seconds and reconnect every couple of minutes. You might also try going to your My Account page, click on the Equipment tab, then Internet from the drop down to bring up your connected modem. Click the Refresh Status link. This might work, especially if you keep getting reps that don't know what they're doing. Re: Internet disconnects randomly on ‎02-01-2020 21:56 The light isnt normal but doesn't necessarily mean that the hub needs to be replaced, it may have lost connection to the network and cannot restore it.

My ps4 is hard wired, and every so often it disconnects from the internet and says "connect a LAN cable and try again". there is nothing wrong with the ethernet cable as ive tested it on other ps4's and laptops etc and my internet is still running when this happens. Oct 01, 2014 · Hi there! I recently have come across an issue where my internet randomly disconnects, mostly while on Skype or downloading video games and cannot figure out the issue at all. It usually downloads Dec 19, 2017 · Internet randomly disconnects. Disconects happend. I removed the router so I plug in the internet cable right from the ISP (without using a router) and it still happens, reinstalled my windows, yes, I tried this, still, the connection keeps falling.