Social engineering is something that we’ve all done, whether we’ve realised it or not. When we were children it’s likely that we played one parent off against the other to get our own way, telling each that the other had said we could do something we couldn’t – like have another packet of crisps.

Physical Social Engineering Cases I cant seem to find many detailed cases/news reports/blogs on physical social engineering attacks, be it a simulated penetration test or an attack carried out by a malicious attacker/intruder. Applied Sociology, Social Engineering, and Human Rationality tention to what is meant by the idea of social engineering. Social Engineering and Human Freedom The process of social engineering usually carries connotations of serious finality. The social engineer, because of his/her belief in absolute rationality, is thought to suppress social spontaneity. This is particularly the case when the social Social engineering penetration testing: an overview | SC Media

Social Engineering Fraud: A Case Study – Risk Management

Jan 25, 2018 7 Social Engineering Attacks on Small Business - Wuvavi Sep 05, 2018

Social Engineering Fraud: A Case Study – Risk Management

7 Social Engineering Attacks on Small Business - Wuvavi Sep 05, 2018 Ubiquiti Networks victim of $39 million social engineering Social engineering in penetration tests: 6 tips for ethical (and legal) use 8 common social engineering tactics Five social engineering scams employees still fall for Social engineering (political science) - Wikipedia