The NSA is the United States’ National Security Agency, a cryptologic intelligence agency. These facts show why the NSA is a paper tiger, and a money sink, and why it should not be feared. Special Study of NSA Controls to Comply with Signals Intelligence Retention Requirements Dec. 12, 2019 Semi-Annual Report to Congress, 1 October 2018-31 March 2019 2) The NSA maintains a massive database of U.S. email addresses and phone numbers. The agency says it does this only to help determine who is a U.S. citizen and therefore make sure that it's not Jan 13, 2014 · 1) NSA surveillance is legal. True, if perhaps you put “legal” in quotes. After all, so was slavery once upon a time in the US and apartheid in South Africa. The National Security Agency’s (NSA) Gifted and Talented (G&T) Language Program is only open to high school seniors. The program is designed for high school students who have demonstrated an aptitude for language in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Farsi or Arabic.

However, reports said that NSA director Keith Alexander had informed him about the program in 2010. Then, in late October, James Clapper, national intelligence director, said in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee that the NSA had long been informing the National Security Council about its surveillance program in other countries.

2) The NSA maintains a massive database of U.S. email addresses and phone numbers. The agency says it does this only to help determine who is a U.S. citizen and therefore make sure that it's not Jan 13, 2014 · 1) NSA surveillance is legal. True, if perhaps you put “legal” in quotes. After all, so was slavery once upon a time in the US and apartheid in South Africa.

Sep 06, 2013 · The NSA demands ever more power in order to protect the people and the people strive for ever more secrecy to defeat the NSA. The tragedy is that everyone is a loser under this system. But it is the corner we painted ourselves into.

Aug 26, 2013 · The NSA gathers intelligence under Section 702 of the FISA Amendment Act, which allows the NSA to gather data on non-U.S. citizens outside the U.S. It also gathers tens of thousands of “domestic The NSA is the United States’ National Security Agency, a cryptologic intelligence agency. These facts show why the NSA is a paper tiger, and a money sink, and why it should not be feared.