The spec for IPv6 states that you'll be routed a /64 for being able to breathe, for all of your machines/devices behind your router. Your router would be given it's own address out of your provider's pool for your neighbourhood.

Jul 17, 2019 Using IPv6 - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs The "netsh interface ipv6" tool is provided for configuring and managing IPv6 from the command-line on Windows Server 2003 and later. Related topics Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) You have IPv6. Turn it on. | APNIC Blog

Learn about the newest Internet Protocol. Learn about the newest Internet Protocol. What is IPv6, or Internet Protocol, version 6?

IPv6 should always take precedence if it is capable of doing so. Off hand there are a couple things this could be - either the workstation does not have IPv6 enabled or it is using a different category of IPv6 address than the servers - global vs site local vs link local. Remote Desktop Connection using IPv6 address and custom port Aug 04, 2010 is a free service that checks your IPv6 and IPv4 connectivity and speed. Diagnose connection problems, discover which address(es) you are currently using to browse the Internet, and what is your browser's protocol of choice when both v6 and v4 are available.

Jun 25, 2020 IPv4 vs IPv6 | Top 9 Most Useful Differences You Need To Know IPv4 was introduced in 1983 and is still popular in use as IP for several systems. It helps to identify the systems in a network using an address. 32-bit address is used which stores several addresses. Still, it is primary internet protocol and controls the majority of internet traffic. IPv6 was developed in 1994 and is called as next generation. Are you disabling IPv6? Maybe you should stop — and here’s why Dec 14, 2018 Making requests to Amazon S3 over IPv6 - Amazon Simple Using IPv6 addresses in IAM policies. Before trying to access a bucket using IPv6, you must ensure that any IAM user or S3 bucket polices that are used for IP address filtering are updated to include IPv6 …